6 Action Items to Help You Achieve Better Sleep

Did you know that there is a difference between sleep and rest? Sleep is when you close your eyes, the lights are out, and your brain is supposedly relaxing. However, sometimes, just because we sleep doesn’t mean we really “rested”. Your body and mind need adequate rest to allow it to heal and rejuvenate.

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Resting is very crucial to our overall wellness, and there are a few things you can do to ensure you are resting while sleeping:

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule

Try to stick to the same bedtime and wake up time every day, even on the weekends. This will help regulate your natural internal clock and will help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night.

  1. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual

A relaxing nighttime routine (free from bright lights and lights from electronics) will help separate your sleep time from other daily activities. Calming your mind down before you get into bed will help you get sound and deep sleep.

  1. Avoid taking naps, especially in the afternoon

If you have trouble sleeping through the night, it may be because you are taking too many naps. Naps may help you get through the day, but it may wreak havoc on your internal clock and make it harder to fall sleep at night.

It may take a bit of adjusting to get used to not taking a nap mid-day, but it’s worth it in the long run.


  1. Exercise daily

Vigorous exercise will help you fall asleep at night, but even light exercise will help get rid of excess energy that may keep you up at night.

  1. Revamp your bedroom

Evaluate your room right now and ask yourself if it’s the sleep sanctuary it should be. Your bedroom should be cool (between 60 and 67 degrees), free of noise, free of overwhelming clutter, and free from light. Consider blackout curtains, eyeshades, earplugs, humidifiers, fans, and other devices that may help you make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary.

  1. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillow

Resting is very crucial to our overall wellness, and there are a few things you can do to ensure you are resting while sleeping:

If you are uncomfortable, you aren’t going to have a good night’s sleep. Try making your bed as comfortable as possible. Most good quality mattresses have a lifetime of 9-10 years—after that, it may be time to say goodbye. Get yourself some comfortable pillows, free of allergens, and remove everything else from your bed.

When we get a restful night of sleep, we are increasing our human growth hormones, slowing the aging process, and decreasing our insulin production. Rest is crucial to our overall well-being, so make sure you are setting yourself up for a successful night’s sleep with the above tips.

P.S. For more info on Wellness Grab yourself a copy of The Wellnesses Lifestyle HERE.

Have a Blessed and Wellness Day


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