Warm Drinks To Cozy Up With

When the weather is frigid and grey, is there anything more comforting than having warm drinks to cozy up with under your favorite blanket? Aside from the comfort they bring on a cold winter’s day, there are also several warm drinks to enjoy that are actually of great benefit to your health, as well.

I’m going to share a few of my favorite healthy warm drink options with you today, so keep these 4 beverages in mind next time you want to escape from the cold and warm up!

white coffee cup enclosed in a red knit cup holder, filled with hot cocoa and multiple pieces of white marshmallows

1. Homemade Hot Cocoa

Seriously, who doesn’t love this delicious warm drink – hot cocoa? It’s the winter go-to, and it’s so simple to make. 

  • Combine 1 cup almond milk,
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons raw cacao powder, 
  • 1 tablespoon of pure maple syrup
  •  a splash of vanilla extract in a saucepan, stirring until smooth and hot.
  • Feel free to sprinkle some cinnamon in, as well.
warm green tea filled to the rim of a clear glass mug

2. Warm Green Tea

Green tea is loaded with incredibly healthy benefits, such as a slew of antioxidants and minerals that are great for your immune system.

So settle in on your couch with a warm cup of green tea and your favorite book, and you’ll be guaranteed to have the perfect, cozy winter’s day. this is great for digestion after dinner too.

White porcelain tea cup filled with hot lemon water,

3. Hot Lemon Water

This is my favorite thing to drink first thing in the morning. Yes, even before coffee! It’s one of the most simple things I do for my health that reaps the most benefit.

Boil some freshwater, squeeze a lemon into your cup, and stir. It jumpstarts your digestive system, boosts your immune system, and warms you from the inside out.

It’s also a wonderful punch of Vitamin C to keep the winter illness at bay.

Warm ginger tea in a glass picture.

4. Warm Ginger Tea

Another incredibly simple one you can make in 5 minutes or less. Ginger has more benefits than I can list, but namely, it’s an incredible immune booster, anti-inflammatory, and helps aid in healthy digestion.

Peel and slice a chunk of ginger root, boiling it in freshwater for about 10 minutes. Add a squirt of agave or maple syrup to sweeten it a bit, if the ginger is too strong for you. Enjoy! 

Let me know which one you will try to keep you warm this winter. For a few more tips on building a healthy immune system, check out my video 5 Tips For A Robust Immune System.

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