What Can I Do To Help Protect Me and My Family During This Pandemic?

With the rise of the new strains of COVID-19, many of us are wondering, what can we do at home to help ourselves and family members stay safer. I do advise you to follow the instructions of your health care provider and your local officials for protection against the Delta variant and any other strain of COVID-19 that may exist. There are a few things we can do to go along with the advice of the professionals. 

One important thing to remember is that many of us, though not all of us, are able to help strengthen our natural defenses to fight diseases, viruses, germs, or any other alien entity that enters our bodies. But it takes dedication, discipline, and for some people, monitoring by a physician as well. 

Scientists are on the hunt to find better ways of battling these illnesses for our better health. Some are looking at synthetic methods while others are taking a closer look at what’s out there in nature, the very things that the ancient civilizations used to promote their health and wellness.

While they’re still looking into these things, why not take control of your health and try to add these natural antibiotic foods to your daily diet to help boost your immunity, especially during this pandemic. It can’t hurt, right? 

1. Garlic

Pungent and full of flavor, garlic adds a boost to the taste of your foods. It’s also been revered in cultures all around the world for having healing benefits. Preliminary research has shown that garlic is effective in handling certain strains of bacteria. It’s also highly nutritious, good for lowering blood pressure, and has dozens of other benefits for your health.

2. Ginger

Ginger is another natural way to battle bacteria. Its antibiotic powers have been recognized in many studies, plus it reduces inflammation and is terrific

for tummy troubles, particularly those involving nausea, and can lower blood sugar. Making a tea of it or adding it to your cooking is great for your health,

not to mention it adds a lovely flavor.

3. Honey

Honey’s incredible antibiotic properties have been known for ages. It’s important though that you choose only raw organic honey for the best effects.

Store-bought honey tends to be processed which strips it of its beneficial nutrients. Try and buy honey that is locally grown in your area. You can use honey on burns and wounds, too. Additionally, it’s a better way to add sweetness to the foods you eat or even to your coffee.

4. Cloves

Cloves are very nutritious and rich in antioxidants, plus they’ve been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria. Studies have found that clove water was particularly helpful for stopping bacteria that cause gum disease, making it an ideal herbal mouthwash.

5. Oregano

Now you can enjoy more Italian food with purpose! Oregano is full of antioxidants, reduces inflammation, and can chase away bacteria. The research found it to be very effective with certain antibiotic-resistant bacteria when fashioned into an oil, which shows great promise for future developments. Still, eating it tastes good and is a healthy way to add more flavor to your food.

6. Echinacea

In traditional healing applications, echinacea has been used for hundreds of years, primarily for treating wounds and infections. When scientists took a look at it, they found that the extract from echinacea can kill off different strains of bacteria, including the one that causes strep throat. More reason to grab a bit of that the next time you head to your local health store or pharmacy.

By incorporating more natural antibiotics into your daily diet, you don’t run the risk of making them less effective. With their other health benefits, using these natural antibiotics in your daily life will help bring about better overall health for you and your family.

Do something today to help build your immune system. Remember, procrastination never met a goal.

If you need help reaching your wellness goals, click here so we can chat.

wellness weight loss gut health
Dr. Wanda Parks

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