5 Recommendations for a Healthy New Year

Does it seem like the years fly by faster each year? Sometimes I can’t believe how fast they go by, and this year is no exception. We get wrapped up in our schedules, and before we know it, we’re making  holiday plans again with our loved ones.

Same goes for New Year’s Resolutions. We proudly proclaim them at the beginning of each year with the best of intentions. We really mean to accomplish them, but nearly all of them fall flat before Spring even hits.

There are many reasons why this happens. To stick with your resolutions, you’ve got to be realistic about your goals. Here are some tips for creating resolutions you’ll actually keep so that when New Year’s rolls around again, you can try making a new resolution instead  of the same ones year after year.

1. Set up a reward

Whatever you’ve decided, be it weight loss or quitting smoking or even both, you’re more likely to make a positive change in your behavior if you have a reward waiting down the line. Make your goals manageable, also.  Saying that you just want to lose weight has no direction which is why this goal always fizzles out. Make checkpoints along the way if you’re going to see those results, and make those rewards unrelated to  food.

2. Pair up with your pals

Getting together with friends to better yourselves is an excellent way to build up your new good habits. Whether it’s taking a class together at the gym or learning a new craft like painting or pottery, teaming up with your friends will make it much more likely you won’t give up on your goals. Join our exclusive FB group and share your new year resolution with us.

3. Keep a written record

Writing down your resolutions makes it more front and center in your mind. In fact, starting a journal around your resolutions is highly recommended. You can write what you’ve done each day to get to that goal. In a previous post I talk about 3 simple steps read it –> here <–

4. Dissect your resolutions into tangible goals

If you’re serious about achieving your resolutions, before the ball drops, write out your resolutions. Then, dissect them into what you’re going to do to get there. So, if your goal is to lose 50 pounds, write down what you’re going to do to get there on a daily basis. You can commit to 15 minutes of exercise per day to start and then increase it at a checkpoint.  You can also commit to swapping out some unhealthy items every week. Doing it this way will help you make the changes you want to see. Try this 7-Day Wellness Habit Challenge 

5. Share your resolutions

If you really want to succeed, tell your friends and family about your resolutions before New Year’s Eve. You will find much support and possibly teammates to take along for the journey. Don’t let another year of unresolved resolutions fly by. Make 2019 your year, it’s entirely within your reach. What are you excited about in the new year? Comment below and let me know, I’d love to hear from you.

Hop on over and join our exclusive FB group and share your new year resolution with us.  If you are ready to start shedding pounds then you don’t want to pass up this limited time only discount of my original 30 Day Reflective Food Journal to help you track your meal and keep you focused on your weight-loss goal.

To Your Wellness


wellness weight loss gut health

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